Managing stress as a canine rehab therapist business owner

One last mention, it’s your last chance to sign up for my Business Accelerator program before prices go up! Below is a link for more information into what the program is and of course feel free to reach out with any questions about it. Today I wanted to talk about managing stress as a canine rehab business owner. We all deal with stress but sometimes we think ignoring or not talking about it will make it go away when in reality, it becomes an even bigger issue. The first thing we need to find in order to move forward is awareness.

The four main causes of stress when it comes to business ownership are when the image of what you want is not aligned with the reality of it, being successful and actually getting what you want, not being successful or achieving what we set out to accomplish and lastly, we never tried or put ourselves out there. Our brain can play tricks on us, leading us to self-sabotage to protect ourselves from failure. If we don’t try, guess what? We’re not going to fail! But why live a life full of what ifs? How do we change our mindset around this? Listen to the full episode to find out!

More about/Register for my Business Accelerator:

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