Seasons of life and business
I wanted to start off with a reminder that registration for the CRI business course is open and seats are filling up fast! If you’re not aware, CRI stands for Canine Rehabilitation Institute. I am part of the faculty for that program and am looking forward to teaching everyone who joins the course! I’ve included the link to sign up at the bottom if you’re interested. I also will be opening registration for my Business Accelerator course where I teach other Canine Rehab Therapists how to run their own businesses this spring! Stay tuned!
This week’s podcast episode focuses on the seasons of life and businesses. We always should aim for growth with our business, but that doesn’t necessarily mean that the business will always be growing. It means that you are growing. Your life is changing…Maybe you are getting married, maybe you are starting a family, maybe you are traveling more, maybe you are working less so that you can do whatever you want to do. All of those things require the business to change… to evolve… to grow… and not necessarily to grow in size or revenue, but to grow in the sense of fitting what you need out of it for that particular time in your life.
Because of that, your priorities will change and along with that, what you want or need out of the business should change as well. Most business owners fail to recognize that and instead will keep running the same business over and over again… year after year, while expecting that things will change and they never do. With that in mind, today we will talk about the different seasons or phases of life as a business owner. Want to learn more? Listen to the full episode! Register for CRI’s Business Course: Business Accelerator Site: [email protected]