The top 5 reasons why Canine Rehab Therapists stunt their growth

I’m so amped up to talk about the top 5 reasons why canine rehab therapists stunt their growth. This list comes from years of helping out people but, most importantly, teaching at CRI, talking to folks, and paying attention to what people are doing (or not doing).

For anyone who has been following or working with me for a while this will hopefully not come as a major surprise, but as I preach, it is always good to revisit topics because you likely have changed and grown since you have heard me say it before. Sometimes, after a few times, hearing a message it finally clicks or you retain it in a new way.

In no particular order, the reasons why canine rehab therapists stunt their growth are no foot on the gas pedal, the business owner being busy in the treatment room, undercharging for your services, the lust for fancy equipment and having an unprofitable model. I go more into detail on these topics in this podcast episode and teach it in my Business Accelerator program.

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