Would you like to get access to this one-of-a-kind event we hosted on April, 1st 2023?
We understand if you are only finding out about this event now and would like to catch the replay. Just fill out the form below and you will receive immediate access to the replay! The training was broken down into 3 parts. During the first one we discussed the goal of a Real Marketing strategy and how marketing is much more than just filling your schedule with clients. Then. during the second part we discussed the different types of leads and why we need to understand the 7% Rule in marketing to buil a real marketing strategy for our business. Finally, the last part was all about the RMC Method (Real Marketing Cycle), and and how you can implement it into your canine rehab business!

Register Here For The Marketing Bootcamp Replay

Who is Francisco?
He is the owner and founder of TheK9PT - Canine Rehabilitation and Wellness, a fast growing canine rehabilitation clinic in the Chicago area. He also works as a social media and online content consultant for the Canine Rehabilitation Institute, and is a co-instructor for their Business of Canine Rehabilitation course. He has a passion not only to help dogs, but also to help canine therapists grow the field of animal rehabilitation, which led to him starting his flagship program, TheK9PT Academy, in January of 2019. To date that program has already helped 40+ canine therapists start and grow their canine rehabilitation practice. He also serves as the President of the Animal Physical Therapy SIG within the American Physical Therapy Association.